Surgical Orthodontics in Canton, MI

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Advanced Orthodontics performs surgical orthodontic procedures in Canton, MI. To schedule a consultation, please call our office at


What Is Surgical Orthodontics Treatment?

The practice of surgical orthodontics is also known as orthognathic surgery. These surgeries correct severe orthodontic issues like bite problems, jawbone abnormalities, and malocclusion.

Orthognathic surgery is considered a major procedure performed in a hospital. It involves repositioning the lower or upper jaw for better alignment.

Patients cannot undergo orthognathic surgery until their jaws reach their full growth. Full growth happens by age 16 for women and age 18 for men.

Benefits of Surgical Orthodontics Treatment

  • Bite Correction. Braces and aligners can correct less serious bite abnormalities, but advanced overbites, underbites, and open bites may need surgical treatment. After surgery, patients will find it easier to bite and chew their food.
  • Airway Improvements. A jaw out of position can interfere with patients' breathing and swallowing functions. Orthognathic surgery enables these patients' throats and airways to function properly. It can also help with symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea caused by jaw malformation.
  • Speech Improvements. Severe malocclusions and bite issues can lead to significant speech problems. Jaw surgery may allow clearer speech.
  • Prevent Excessive Tooth Wear. A poor bite often causes extreme tooth stress. Grinding and clenching cause more damage when the teeth are out of alignment. Surgery can bring the teeth into a more harmonious position to prevent further damage.
  • More Aesthetic Facial Appearance. Jaw issues may cause facial asymmetry or a receding chin. While aesthetics are not the primary reason these surgeries happen, correcting anatomical problems can brighten the patient's smile and improve their self-esteem.
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Dr. Ritu Singh, a board-certified orthodontist, provides cutting-edge treatment with skill and compassion. She takes an interdisciplinary approach to orthodontia, working with your family dentist, oral surgeon, and other specialists to provide the necessary care.
We welcome all family members to our practice, offering care for children and adults. We offer convenient after-school and Saturday appointment times to accommodate busy family schedules.

Procedures Offered

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Orthognathic Surgery

The primary method of orthognathic surgery is cutting the upper or lower jawbone and repositioning it for proper placement. Some procedures also use bone from different body parts to build the jaw. The surgeon uses screws, plates, elastic bands, or wires to hold the jaw in its new position while it heals.

While orthognathic surgery is invasive, it corrects many orthodontic issues that are not otherwise treatable. Patients who have lived with profound orthodontic problems can find relief and enjoy a functional and aesthetically appealing smile.

Frequently Asked Questions About Surgical Orthodontics Treatment

When should I ask my orthodontist about orthognathic surgery?
If you had braces in childhood but still experience significant problems with chewing, speech, excessive tooth wear, or bite issues, you may need surgery. Dr. Singh would be glad to meet you and assess what type of care you need.
How long will I be in the hospital after jaw surgery?
Typically, orthognathic surgery patients are hospitalized for two to three nights and will continue their recovery at home.
If I have surgery, will I also need braces?
Braces are an essential part of the process. They bring teeth into the best position before surgery and help the teeth stay in their new positions after the procedure.
How long does it take the jaws to heal?
Most patients take between six and 12 weeks to heal after surgery.
What is jaw surgery recovery like?
You will need to rest for several days to a few weeks. You may experience swelling, bruising, and numbness, gradually disappearing as your body heals. If your surgeon needs to wire your jaw closed, recovery will take longer. Complete healing can take up to 12 months.
Will I have scars from jaw surgery?
Most of these surgeries are performed inside the mouth, so surgical scars will not be visible.
Can I help my child avoid orthognathic surgery?
If your child receives orthodontic treatment, especially interceptive orthodontics, they may be able to avoid surgery as an adult. Interceptive orthodontics corrects many problems in early childhood that could need surgery in adulthood. However, some issues are too entrenched for non-surgical intervention.

Call Advanced Orthodontics

While we can address most orthodontic issues with less invasive methods, orthognathic surgery can help patients overcome significant oral and general health issues. To determine whether you would benefit from orthodontic surgery, please call our Canton, MI office at

to schedule a consultation with Dr. Singh.